Wednesday, October 16, 2013


It's October 16th. At this same time of the month in March, I was cruising along in my outline, plotting, worldbuilding, and making lots and lots of blog posts. I was excited for NaNo.

Now? How am I doing on my agenda? Planning is going abysmally. I've drawn out half of the rough pencil outline for Map #1. I've gotten stuck on my outlining on the one-page summary, which is much less than halfway through the snowflake method. I'm not sure I can finish. I still hate my lead characters. As for blogging? Well, I was going to make a post about how NaNo is the most wonderful time of the year, based off the lyrics of the popular Christmas song. I was also planning a post on the intrinsic reward of writing.

The problem is that the intrinsic reward is gone. I feel stressed, sad, and confused. Why am I having so much trouble this time around? I had to drag myself into Blogger to write this post. Even though I've done barely any planning, I feel as if I have a case of severe burnout. I used to be so excited for NaNo. I loved planning, and I couldn't wait for November 1st. Now I dread it.

I don't think I can finish all of this. That means my novel will go unplanned, which practically means it will go unwritten. I have no idea what to do.

I need help.

~ Sophia-Rose

1 comment:

  1. If it helps, I've been going through burnout for months and months, now. I haven't written a single thing that I truly enjoyed. What I suggest is to be a NaNoRebel this month and write as much of anything as you can. For me, I'm doing a lot of therapeutic writing for myself, working on fan-fiction, and even putting thought into longer blog posts. (I still have some to do with my novel, but not enough to make the goal.) When in loss of writing, write. Try writing by hand to start, and do some writing just for yourself.

    All the best,

