Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The New NaNo Log - Day 1

This was probably the worst I've ever done on a first day - I have only just over 2,000 words under my belt, but I know the dull bits are over because this was Chapter One, which is a rewrite of a rewrite. Ugh.

  • I added a Prologue, which I almost immediately just merged into Chapter One
  • I made Mr. Jackson a very smiley person (not sure if this was good or not, but it was fun!)
Lowlights: (is this even a word? Whatever. I'm calling it this anyway)

  • Most of the rest of Chapter One. It just felt boring to me.
Well, here's an excerpt!
“And your point…?” Gabby didn’t care just what had happened to Mr. Jackson to make him this happy, but his optimism was ruining the mood. “Why aren’t you dry back at home like everyone else?"
"I thought you might like to go somewhere out of the rain, so I came this way to see if you’d like to come to my house for a little while," he replied.
“Um…” Since he had come all this way just for her, Gabby tried to put more thought into tact, but eventually gave up. “I don’t even know you all that well, and I really just want to get home. My parents might be wondering why I’ve been gone for so long.”
This news didn’t seem to faze Mr. Jackson at all. Gabby wondered if his face muscles were stronger than everyone else’s, because she’d never seen anyone else hold a smile for this long.“When we arrive, we can notify your parents.” When she hesitated, he added, “I have food there as well…I have heard you enjoy chocolate.”

~ Sophia-Rose

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