Friday, March 8, 2013

Camp in the Arctic

And that just about describes what it looks like outside right now - minus the tent and freezing cold writer. I mean, a snowstorm just started last night and it's supposed to keep up until 10 PM tonight. Yay. The picture above is actually an understatement about just how snowy it is, but I didn't want to keep adding snowflakes for an hour. Let's hope it all melts by the time April begins. I would NOT want to go camping in a foot of snow with sub-zero temperatures. (Actually, it's only just below freezing right now, but whatever.) Wish me luck, I suppose. I'm going to go snowflake. (Oh, the irony!)

~ Sophia-Rose

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Sophia! The fog is so thick, where I am, that you can barely see ten feet in front of you without a light source.

