Sunday, March 10, 2013

Roses are red, violets are blue...

...poetry's good in stories, too!

Okay, it would take a little more than a "roses are red..." poem to be good enough for a story, but you get the idea. Used correctly, poetry can be a great tool for a writer. Used incorrectly (or just bad or random poetry) and it's a heavy blow to your story. Take, for example, the below poem, used with the author's permission:
Apple, bear, snake
Carrot, pie, cake
Jump in the lake
Happy milkshake
Learn how to bake
Then eat a rake
Step on the brake
Blue pepper steak!
                                                 ~ Elizabeth GoldenThistle

That isn't by any means her best poetry, but it makes a great example. However, bad poetry can be funny in the right circumstances, like the below example from my Wizard101 fanfiction:

There once was a fiery old scarecrow
He could knock out a wizard in one blow
His name was “Harvest Lord”
But he must’ve been bored
Because he had nowhere to go.
                                                                         ~ Emma IceCrafter, the Greatest Treasure

In most cases, though, bad poetry is a daring move that doesn't always have good consequences. Good, serious poetry can be used in many ways: a song, an ancient inscription, a morbid prophecy...Oh, by the way, anyone who's read enough of my work knows that I LOVE morbid prophecies. They really set the tone for the story, adding a lot of great atmosphere to it. Take, for example, one of my favorites, from my recent contest:
Intruder who is not of death
Wait and watch your doom befall
For you will fade to a mere breath
Because death is master of them all.

A cold will come, chilling your bones
As death pervades your body and mind
You'll join the ghosts in silent moans
It was a mistake to come, you'll find.

But if you are of death, rejoice!
For you are noble, shrewd, and clever
You'll help us to complete our choice
To end the other schools forever.
                                                 ~ Mission: Mansion, Task 5

And then there's the riddles, which deserve, and will get, a whole other post of their own.

Whichever way you choose to use your poetry, have fun with it! And remember: go beyond roses are red, violets are blue.

~ Sophia-Rose

1 comment:

  1. Roses are red, violets are blue,
    Been at the write-in since 1:42.

    Mika wears purple and Rusty wears grey,
    A whole 'nother plot got written today!

    The music is live, and the children are hyper,
    Oh look - there's more HTML to decipher.

    The phone is red, and the tea-can is orange.
    Another productive day has been seized!
