Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Last-Minute Decision

I've been falling behind on my editing lately...I'm losing motivation...I'm not so sure I'm going to finish editing this I've decided to do Camp NaNo as a rebel!

My word goal is 13,000 - 250 words (my minimum) for each scene I have left to do. After I finish a scene, I will add 250 words to my counter thing, regardless of how many I actually added. Should be fun! I think I'll do it faster if I have a cabin to cheer me on (and that I'll try not to fail in front of.) Even though I'm going away to real summer camp for a week, I'm pretty sure I can do it.

This should be fun!

~ Sophia-Rose


  1. YAY! I have a buddy in rebelling. Have fun at Camp!

  2. Have fun!! Hope you get a good cabin (I got stuck in a very shy one... but hey, maybe that'll change). Good luck!! To both of you!!

    1. My cabin is pretty interesting. Two of our members haven't checked in yet, but I suspect they will soon. We have one first-timer who loves to ask questions that we equally love to answer. The age and genre range is huge, and I like the different pieces of advice. Good luck!

      Em, if the cabin isn't working, you can opt out and back into another.

    2. My cabin is under a 504 error (aka the page doesn't connect). Boo. Yeah, I don't know if I will opt out or not yet. If people start talking and the error gets fixed I might stay. My last cabin was amazing though, I don't how often that'll happen... unless I get, like, you and Soph and Chuck Norris (lol, JK) :)
