Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I Briefly Return from Editing-Land

Hi. I haven't posted in a while. I'd love to say that I've been busy editing, but...I'm not even done with the third chapter yet. -.- It's slow business. However, I'm happy to say that instead of adding 250 words a scene, I'm now usually adding at least 500 and sometimes even doubling the 750 word length of a scene! :D If I keep up at this rate, my novel will come out at...
Wait for it...
Wait for it...

80,000 words! :D Hooray!
Also, adding more thoughts just makes my characters come to life. Gabby, one of my main characters, used to be quite flat. I'd thought of a personality for her...sort of...but it never quite made it to the page. Now, it's evident that she has two sides: one that wants to say anything that comes into her head, and another that tries to restrain her words with creative imaginings. It's more interesting.

I'm also working on renaming the rest of the books in the series. None of them really feel right except Legends of Light. Last night, it hit me for book #2: Ice Quest. :) I have a feeling that the name is now perfect, not to mention not taken. If these books ever get published, I don't want them getting confused with other fantasy novels. There's nothing similar to Ice Quest, and for Legends of Light the closest title is Legends of Light: A Michigan Lighthouse Portfolio. Somehow, I don't think the two will get confused at all. I'll see you around soon! (Hopefully before I go on vacation.)

~ Sophia-Rose

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