Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 11 ~ Inspiration

You may notice that I added a word after the "day 11" title. It's so much more interesting, isn't it? I have good news and bad news.

The good news is that I hit 20k words today! 20,396 to be exact. The more extra words, the better, right? I also got hit by a huge blast of inspiration. More about that later.

The bad news is that Camp NaNoWriMo feels so much more camp-ish now. "Well, why is that bad news?" you may ask. That's because the cause of it was that I got real poison ivy. >.< I'm super sensitive to it.

So, back to the good news. Highlights first, and then I'll talk about my huge blast of inspiration. Okay? Good.

  • Finished Chapter 6! (Woot! It was loooong.)
  • Wrote my rhyming legend, and threw some prophecy in there. (It isn't morbid, though.)
  • Wrote more Peregrine awesomeness!
  • Laid out the character's plans for the next several chapters, although they might not go as planned.
So, my huge blast of inspiration. Right. Ever since I first typed up the last few scenes on my spreadsheet, I've thought they were a little weak and boring. I just figured I'd see to them when I got there, and maybe I could write them so they wouldn't be so weak and boring. Well, today I was writing up the last verse of my legend/prophecy poem, and thinking about how it applied to my planned ending. Then, I thought of a whole new way it could apply to the ending and how that would totally help my plotless sequels get a plot! Awesome! Now I'm super excited to get there.

As for my favorite excerpt, this was easy. I left off the last two verses because they were the prophecy verses, and they have minor spoilers in them. Please, don't ask for context of this legend. Be forewarned: It probably won't make any sense.

When dragons of the glowing light
Have lost their family name
They seem to be in endless night
Without their powers’ flame.

But when all hope turns to despair
For light without a cost
There is another way, though rare
To bring back powers lost.

An ancient artifact of stone
By banishing the dark
May, by its light, its brilliant tone
Return the powers’ spark.

’Twas forged in fires of mountains old
And cast in magic’s spell
But is it valuable as gold?
Only the wise can tell.

When held with purpose strong and good
Its light, drawn forth, is cast
But when evil is understood
Its light is hidden fast.

The Lightstone of the mountain’s spawn
Has caused conspiracy
It was desired by elven brawn
Yet held in secrecy.

The powers of the Lightstone’s glow
When touched by elven hands
Are gone, and they no longer show
When cast throughout the lands.

Now hidden behind bars of black
This artifact is gone
It takes a warrior to bring back
And resurrect its dawn.

Is it any good? Personally, I like it quite a bit, but verse #3 could use a little improvement.

Happy writing!

~ Sophia-Rose

1 comment:

  1. *reads*


    Totally reminded me of that. Never mind, anyway.... loved that!!
