Saturday, April 6, 2013

It's gone...

My computer had to install so-called "updates" so it restarted and my past 2k words that I thought were totally awesome are ALL GONE. ALL GONE!! I'm going to lose's all gone...hours of work and great story...gone. I can't stand it! I feel sick.

~ Sophia-Rose


  1. I don't know what to say........ *reaches behind self and pulls out big bag of Hershey bars* Here. Pause, take a deep breath, then eat some comfort food. It'll come back to you and you do your best to rewrite it.

    But whatever you do.... DON'T GIVE UP NOW!!!! It WILL get done, don't listen to what a distraught brain tells you. Who knows? Maybe you'll write something better! It may seem dismal right now, but it won't last as long as you don't give up and make us all sad cause we're all rooting for you!!

    1. Thanks. I roughly remember most of it so hopefully it won't take too long, and I do have the excerpt I put on here. That's the part I would've been most upset about losing, so that's good. And at least I only lost 2K. I've seen threads from people who'd written 30K, then lost the whole file...

    2. You're welcome :) Do you use google docs or Word? Docs saves it automatically for you. The only glitch would be if one has internet problems...

    3. I use Microsoft Word. The annoying thing is that it always autosaved all my other files when my computer restarted on me...until now. I looked and there was nothing, so I guess I'll have to rewrite it.
