Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 15 ~ Milestone

So, I'm back now. And I hit 26k. Yes, I know that's not a very big milestone, but I had to hit 25k first. Which is halfway. :D And I wrote a whole chapter in a day, which is pretty rare for me. Basically, it was a 3k day! Highlights:

  • Wrote all of chapter eight
  • Wrote a scene where all my characters went crazy (not literally)
  • Used more runes (hooray!)
  • Ended on a cliffhanger (again)
So, fun. Yup. Want an excerpt? Sorry, no. I'm eventually going to post it on here, and from this point onward, everything has major spoilers. That's right: everything. So sorry. No excerpts = short posts, so instead I'll just talk more about my experience today. Like I said, I wrote 3k today, which is about as good as Day One! (And you know how happy I was on Day One.) Basically, it was like back to the beginning: new motivations, big story changes, etc. I had fun, and honestly, I was surprised. I'd heard that week 3 is terrible, and wasn't - yet. We'll see how it goes.

Happy writing!

~ Sophia-Rose


  1. Here's how I see it:

    Week 1 - The Week of the Infodump
    Week 2 - The Wall (and Return of the Inner Editor)
    Week 3 - The Battle of the Muse and Inner Editor (oh yeah, there's writing too...)
    Week 4 0 The Week of the Breakthrough Discovery and Eventual Finishing

    1. Nice! Here's mine:
      Week 1 - The Week of Obliviously Fun Writing
      Week 2 - The Week of No Motivation (plus breakthrough discovery!)
      Week 3 - The Week of Battling Through the Middle
      Week 4 - The Week of Mysteries Remaining to be Unearthed

  2. Week 1 - Week of "Oh, this IS fun!" And Golden Motivation.... Beyond The Horizon
    Week 2 - Week of Towering Walls and Impassable Trenches Of Death
    Week 3 - Week of Changing Plans And Schoolwork Dump
    Week 4 - Week of Naive Hope And Eventual Failure

    (I'm such a pessimist.)
