Tuesday, April 2, 2013

On the second day of writing...

...Camp NaNo gave to me two more characters
and a month full of writing fun, free!

Today wasn't as good as yesterday. I didn't quite reach my word goal (a few hundred words off), but that was okay because I overshot it yesterday. To be fair, though, I was totally going to do it. I was all, "Okay, after dinner I'll get to 1,667 words, blog, AND I'll still have time to run that dungeon I need to do!" Sadly, it didn't quite work that way. A last minute shopping trip cropped up, and well...the rest is history. I did have a few highlights, though:

  • Wrote an awkward conversation in which FMC now thinks minor character is totally crazy
  • Wrote a very short sneaking-around short of chase scene
  • FMC is now completely weirded out by two other characters
Not as great as yesterday, but I tried. Here's my favorite thing that I wrote today:

"Gabby silently slipped around the bookshelf she was hiding behind and slowly moved toward the novels section. The footsteps stopped for a moment among the biographies, then continued on the same path she had taken. 'Are they following me?' Gabby wondered. She circled back around toward the reference books. Once again, the footsteps followed her. She glanced toward the door. This couldn’t go on forever. If the clock above the door was correct, then the school would close in twenty minutes."
(Bit of context: Gabby, the FMC, has heard weird footsteps out in the hall and thinks they belong to her new enemy. When the footsteps enter the library where she is currently, she sneaks around behind bookshelves trying to stay out of his sight.)

I'm excited. Soon things in my story will really get rolling! MMC will be introduced in a day or two and I'm really looking forward to the first meeting scene!

~ Sophia-Rose


  1. Current WC: 313. Today was a total meanie to me, I'm still working.

  2. I've come up with a solution: If I find myself spending any free time doing something recreational other than writer, I instantly drop it and write!! It's been working the last two days, lol.
