Wednesday, April 3, 2013

On the third day of writing...

...Camp NaNo gave to me three new scenes
Two more characters
And a month full of writing fun, free!

Today was very good. I hit my word count goal, and didn't get quite as many words down as I normally would have liked, but that was okay because I wrote three very high quality scenes in a relatively short amount of time. And speaking of quality...

When I look around on the Camp NaNo forums, I see threads full of people talking about how terrible their writing is. I don't know about you, but I find this really depressing. I understand that your first draft, especially one written during NaNo, is going to have some mistakes in it, but that's okay. Nobody's perfect. However, I'm seeing comments from people who think their writing absolutely sucks and completely hate it. Come on. Writing a terrible 1,667 words takes only about twenty minutes. Writing a good one takes an hour or so. I'm opting to take the extra time and make it decent. I find that I'm more motivated to write if I actually like what I'm writing. There's really no better way to lose motivation than to convince yourself that your writing stinks. Instead of complaining how bad your writing is, try taking a few extra minutes and make it just a little better so your inner editor doesn't throw a screaming fit. Personally, I absolutely love how my story is going right now!

Speaking of loving how it's going, here are today's highlights:

  • Finished chapter two with another chilling cliffhangers (cliffhangers rule!)
  • Wrote another very creepy meetup scene, including a very chilling murder
Here's my favorite excerpt from today: (Note: this one has a very different flavor from the other ones. Be warned.)

"Crackling noises suddenly alerted him to a presence in the woods. He drew his sword and held it behind his back, waiting for an opportunity. Suddenly, a young woman stepped forth from the trees, and before she knew what was happening, he pounced forward and thrust his blade into her stomach. Before she could cry out, he forced his hand over her mouth. In a few minutes, he no longer felt a pulse.

'No,' he said to the window. 'My swordplay is definitely not out of practice. No, not out of practice at all.'"

Murders. Good stuff, right? (In stories only. I do not mean real life!)

~ Sophia-Rose

1 comment:

  1. Crreeeeppyyyy!!

    Yes, I agree with the pessimistic stuff :( I think you can only do that if you go back to look at something you wrote years ago, then LAUGH at it.
